Monday, October 26, 2009

Resolved Sample - Presentation, Chapter 11

A sandwich of fabrics was created:
- gold novelty fabric on the bottom
- a piece of wire window screening on top of the gold
- black fabric was frayed on both edges and placed around the square creating a frame
- the resolved sample was set diagonally on top and hand stitched in place

This is a closer picture showing the window screening. The frayed edges of the frame were gathered and tied. Beads were added to the outside edge.  The whole piece was set on core board. The gold fabric was wrapped around the edges of the core board and glued in place. A piece of black felt was glued to the back of the piece to finish it nicely and a picture hanger was stitched on the back.

Reworked Piece for Module 1, Chapter 10, Sample #3

This is the original piece submitted, a cross design set on diagonal. Sian recommended "cut another symmetrical shape, not necessarily the same one, which could also overlap the original cross lines. Swivel this shape around so that the quarters are different then re-insert".

This is the reworked piece.  Pieces of organdy and metallic threads have been bonded under a layer of netting, using Stitch Witchery.  The piece has been cut, swiveled around and top stitched in place.  The cross shape  now sits upright.